I was working on a eBook layout for a customer today, when he came up with a wish I have never done before. He wanted the current chapters heading 1 to appear in the all the header of all pages of that chapter. The solution is quiet simple and was easy to find. All you have to do is to add the appropriate field to the header.

A little bit more tricky was to style the text because the customer wanted a different font and text style. The solution is to use the following field function. Then you can simply apply whatever font style you want to the field and you are good to go:

{ STYLEREF "Heading 1" \* CHARFORMAT }

Depending on your locale, you might need to change “Heading 1” to you local name. In Germany that would for example be “Überschrift 1”. I encountered one problem while doing this. My Word is using the german localization and if I wanted the field to be correctly used inside the doc, I had to use “Überschrift 1”. However, when I wanted to export a PDF from the doc, I had to switch to the english term. The reason might be that I am using a Mac and for me it seems that the PDF generation is done on a remote server.

Thats it for today, I hope it helps somebody. Cheers ✌️